Take A Deep Breath

I am so glad to say that I am done with my three big tests! Yahoo! My goodness..I feel as though I've been studying until I could barely make out the letters on the textbook pages. Today was a day to relax, and I've been doing just that! I had an appointment this morning, but after that, my mom and I went to do some shopping at an mall that we haven't been to in awhile. It was such fun to run my hands over the cool fabrics and textures of the latest fall collections. I didn't see anything that was a 'must have'; although, there were many beautiful things. I fell in love with just about everything that J. Crew had (why must they be so expensive??), and looked at some oxfords in a couple of shoe stores, but I really liked these online..
find them here.

I have been on the search for the perfect lavender polish lately, and I finally found the one that I totally love! I've been wearing it for about a week now, and can't stop looking at my hands to admire the color!
My apologies for the terrible quality of this photo. The color is actually more lavender than gray (as it seems to be here). It's called St. Lucia Lilac by Essie.

Here'a a better picture that another Essie lover took:

image (and a complete review) via here

Anyways, I was super thrilled because I was able to find one of my favorite European treats at a tiny shop that sells Scandinavian goods. 
I had slices of this on bread and jam just about everyday when I was in Europe this summer! I sat down with some, and read my journal entries from those days and relived the sights and sounds of places I loved. 

As everyone else is enjoying the slight change in weather because of our transition into fall, it's still a nice summer heat of 90 degrees here..I wish it would at least cool down a little. I mean it's almost October, come on.
Wish it was looking more like this right about now...
This reminds me that I'll be doing a giveaway as a celebration of a new month, so check back in a couple of days for that!! 

On another note, I had been kind of stressed this past week with these tests and other things that were making life so busy and such, and I cannot tell you how many encouraging notes, comments and texts I received over the past week. I wasn't fishing for sympathy at all..in fact, many of these people had no idea that I was needing the encouragement. How cool that God can use all sorts of situations to help you when it it is needed! It reminded me of this verse:

Ephesians 4:29 (NCV) "When you talk, do not say harmful things, but say what people need---words that will help others become stronger. Then what you say will do good to those who listen to you."

I thank you all that consistently leave me sweet notes and comments here! I truly enjoy reading them. 

Well, it's off to rehearsal! 




Here's My Moment of Pure Simplicity

Have you ever wished that time would just stand still for a few precious moments before continuing on in its ever moving state? This season of life has just been so busy, and even though it has just begun, I am needing a moment of pure simplicity already! This post is going to be a bit of randomness, but enjoy all the same!

beach in the mornings..pure bliss.

gifts from friends just because. lovely.

hello, brunette hair.

loving the sunsets...fall is in the air.

Remember how I said I would do a kind deed each day for a week? Here's a few of the things I did:
-held the door open for some elderly people
-smiled at a stranger
-helped a girl in class
-made an effort to reach out to a person who seemed unhappy
-randomly texted a friend to tell them to have a good day

It was fun to just do the little things that can sometimes get lost in the schedules of a day or week. Have you done any random acts of kindness lately?

Quote of the Week: "Think like a Queen. A queen is not afraid to fail."

Nutcracker is coming up and I got my dream role of the Snow Queen!
(as well as Russian, Merliton and Dewdrop in Waltz of the Flowers! I'm so excited!!!)

I had started a dance team at the school that I attended last year, and just received word today that there were 30+ people that attended the first practice yesterday! How encouraging to hear that God used me to  put into place the things that He wanted to have happen. Even though it was a tough last year, we were able to have 4 performances (one of which was at Disney) and now God has totally blessed that group, so I was able to leave behind something that is flourishing and ministering to others! 

(this is my typical reaction when reading the things you write!)

and to wrap things up, I wanted to just express my gratitude towards all of you wonderful people who always make me smile as I read your comments on my blog! You guys are the best! Much love and many thanks to you! 

Hope you all are having the most wonderful week :) Ready for the weekend?? I sure am! 




MacBooks, Books and a Bit of Kindness

Good Evening,
I'm writing this post from my super amazing new MacBook Pro :) I have officially joined the Apple trend, but I am so glad to have done so! My other laptop has served me well, and is now declining at an extreme rate; therefore, I am doing my best to remove all of the pictures (thousands) and songs (thousands) off before it bites the dust. I hope you are all enjoying your long weekend! I am planning to catch up on some work, do some reading, and possibly try out a few recipes! I have been craving some time spent cooking in the kitchen, but have been far to busy to do so. I'm trying to eat very clean and healthy, so I picked up a low-carb cookbook with some really yummy looking things in it..hopefully it will taste as good as it looks! I'll let you know how that turns out.

I've been reading this book by Malcom Gladwell, and so far it's been really great. It's all about how an idea spreads from being just a person's idea to a revolution. I'm quite impressed! 

I've spoken about the book Captivating by Staci and John Eldredge before, but I just wanted to mention it again as a friend and I are going to read it again at the same time and then set aside time each week to discuss the book's application to our own lives! I am really excited about this because it's one of my favorites, and I love talking literature with friends! Seriously, I am quite picky when it comes to what I read, but I truly believe that this book will expand your thinking and beautify your outlook on both life and yourself! It's a major winner in my book! 

Lyrical Inspriation: Changing the World by Mikes Chair
I was listening to this song a little earlier, and the words were just so perfect. It got me thinking about how we can do just a little thing that can in turn change the world. Sometimes it's not the huge contributions but the small acts of kindness without recognition that make a world of difference. I am going to take the challenge of doing one random act of kindness each day, and at the end of the week, I'll  give you a list of all the things I've done! (accountability is key to success!) Feel free to join me! Who knows, it just may become the 'tipping point' to start a kindness revolution! :)

Have a wonderful holiday!

Blessings and Kindness,



Thursday's Thoughts

Hello everyone!

Gracious it's been a whole week since my last post..I'm so sorry! It's one of those 'learning curve' type of schedule adjustments here with time management. Let's see..what's new around here since we last talked?
Here's a few random things..and I've taken on a new project that I'll let you know more about later!

My sister has a friend from China and she wrote my name out for me (at least how she thinks it would be translated since my name is not easily translated) Doesn't it look so cool?? I am really wishing to learn another language. I'd like to look into French, Norwegian or possibly Korean. Spanish is the most practical, but I didn't really have a passion for it when I took it through high school.
A new haircut and some highlights always makes one feel so pretty! :)
Sorry, you can't really tell the color, but I didn't like the picture as much in regular color haha

I've finished up my room redecoration (although I think it's always a work in process..finding cute things to go here and there!) Please excuse the mess under my desk..that's my next project! haha

Funny story about that princess pillow: I picked it up a thrift store, and when I purchased it, the cashier said, "You're not buying this for your own room, right?" I just smiled.."Of course!" (What? I think it's cute!!)
I came into my room after going to grab a bite to eat, and this is what I saw... Just so you know who really writes these posts!
What can I say? He works hard! I didn't want to disturb him, so I did some reading instead...
Sidenote: he wasn't posed..he honestly loves to sit like this! Crazy, I know!

New reading material!! I just love new books!
Wanting to do some more of this...been so busy lately!! I finally got film for my polaroid 600! Yahoo! I'll have to take that out for a spin soon!
Well, until next time, I've got some reading to do.
Hope all is well with you! I love keeping up with all of you wonderful writers and friends!

"God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work."
2 Corinthians 9:8

I am freed to know that my God is huge, and my God is able. So I know if I don't get what I asked from Him, if I cooperate, I'll get something bigger. I'll know that a greater "yes" is in progress. (excerpt from A Quick Word with Beth Moore)

If you're going through something and feel like God is not answering the way that you expected, be prepared and obedient because something BIG is around the corner!!


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