Weekend Wanderings

This week has been rather busy, and I am happily welcoming the arrival of the weekend.
With midterms finally behind me, and only a few weeks left of these current courses, there's much to look forward to, but I'm planning on enjoying a much needed bit of relaxation first. Hopefully some time spent outdoors soaking up this gorgeous springtime weather! Here's to a beautiful weekend!



Unknown said...

I am heading away this weekend and was so excited but then found out it is supposed to rain where we are going--rubbish!

Elisha said...

Your beautiful!!(:

Maria Larsen said...

My midterm week is next week, so I feel the stress that you had! I hope you have a great, stress free weekend!

Anonymous said...

Candice what a darling post... and so appropriate! I am looking forward to the weekend as well...although it always seems more exciting after a long, hard week to merit well deserved laziness :)))) xoxo
p.s. love your outfit! great picture :)

erin m. said...

I just love your outfit! I think I need some more aqua in my wardrobe.

aubrey kinch said...

Debating getting some colored skinnies & you've just sold me. You look darling!

Happy Weekend!

angie on maui said...

Love the outfit...you look beautiful! Have a great weekend, friend. xo

Anonymous said...

I am in love with those pants!

Katie said...

this outfit is absolutely adorable! love the pants and that necklace looks great with it. hope you get to relax a lot this weekend!

Leesh said...

Love the mint skinnies

Unknown said...

Hope you have a relaxing and re-energizing weekend! Love the outfit... I just adore that color. :)

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Cute outfit, love your pants, great color!

Marie said...

Gorgeous girl, chic outfit.:D

Happy weekend!:D

***** Marie *****

Erin James said...

you are gorgeous! and i love those pants :) hope you had a fab weekend, hun!

Erica said...

LOVE this outfit so much. where are those pants from?!]


Anonymous said...

Hello! Where did you get those pants? I love them and would like some myself! :)

Candice said...

Hi there!! My pants are from Marshalls and I've also seen a similar pair at Forever 21, Urban Outfitters and also from J. Brand :)

Victoria said...

Where is your necklace from? I have been hopelessly scouring the internet for a mint colored statement necklace like that one!

Candice said...

Hi Victoria!
it's from Charlotte Russe :)

Unknown said...

Hi Candice! I love the outfit! Where did you get your shirt?

Candice said...

Hi Kristen!
Thanks so much :)
I found it at Forever21 !

Unknown said...

you are so adorable!! love this outfit - just pinned it (:

Amanda English said...

Found your blog through Pinterest! Thanks FTAT for pinning! Love your blog! I'll be back! xoxo A-

Kelly said...

LOVE those pants! I love all things Mint, so it's not surprising. But seriously gorgeous.

ELVIA said...

Love this! :D


The New Outlet: http://the-new-outlet.blogspot.com

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Anonymous said...

i too picked up this necklace from CR and have been trying to think of different ways to wear it, and i love the way it looks with the stripes! i never would have thought of it. thanks for the inspiration!


Carolina Charm said...

omgosh you are so cute! this post just reminded me that i really need to buy a pair of aqua pants this season.

Jessica S said...

Where are these clothing items from? Love your outfit!!

Candice said...

The pants are by indigo rein and the shirt is forever 21! :)

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