Looking For You!

Are you looking to get the word out about your fabulous blog, business or Etsy shop? 
I'd love to have you as a part of my sponsor team! 
With the blog world growing as rapidly as it has, sponsoring is an excellent opportunity for you to get some exposure, as well as a chance to make friends and meet some of the most fun and fantastic readers around. Here, at Teatime Thoughts, you'll have chances to guest post, host giveaways and much more. 

Check out my Contact page for more info on becoming a August/September sponsor!

Can't wait to see you on the blog!


Evening Glow

(Shirt: Ralph Lauren, Pants: Lilly Pulitzer, Shoes: Franco Sarto, Hat: Target, Jewelry: Dillards, DIY, Kate Spade, Sunglasses: Michael Kors, Clutch: Thrifted)

On a really really warm summer evening (like what we've had a lot of lately), all I want to do is throw on a breezy, simple top and be by the waterfront or beach as much as possible. These neon pants paired perfectly with navy, and I couldn't resist a little animal print for fun.

The evening glow at sunset seems to illuminate everything with a golden haze, and there's that magical moment as the sun slowly slips past the horizon, leaving behind an iridescent green flash of light for a split second. If you're lucky, you'll catch two or three throughout the summer months. It's the little moments of beauty like that which makes me absolutely love summer.

Weekend Wanderings

It's been so nice to relax, unpack and catch up with all the ongoings back at home after 5 weeks of being away. This weekend will be a good time to get some organization done, see some friends and some of the family as well as catching the Olympics opening ceremonies taking place in London! I absolutely love watching the different events, seeing the athletes and appreciating the discipline and intensity that it requires to excel like they do.
If you haven't already, make sure you've entered in the Shabby Apple Giveaway that's going on! 

Hope you have a fantastic weekend, everyone!



I've been thinking a lot about change lately. As my life dynamics and rhythms begin to shift from student to other opportunities, it's almost inevitable to encounter change. A wise person once told me that we are either changing for the better, or we are changing for the worse, and when we're through changing, we're through. It's at this point where I begin to re-evaluate my life goals, seek God's direction for my life, and begin to put in place some habits that will take me in the direction that will lead me to the fulfillment of my life purpose. 

Most people never really know what they are put on planet Earth to do. How unfulfilled and empty one must feel to come to the end of life and still not know why you were born at such a time. If the objective is to find one's purpose, a reason for being, then two thoughts should be considered: How can my life be lived to the fullest, to make a difference in the world around me? Am I going to do whatever it takes to make my life count, even if it means stepping outside of my comfort zone? 
It's been said that everything you want is outside your comfort zone, and getting there requires change. I don't fear or dread change; I only accept that it is there, and use it as a vehicle to getting where I want to go. 

Is there something in your life you need to change?



Shabby Apple Summer Giveaway

Summer is a perfect time to find a few breezy pieces for your wardrobe, as well a new frock for packing along on vacation. If you're like me, you'll be thrilled to hear that Shabby Apple is generously giving away a $50 credit to one lucky Teatime Thoughts reader, so you can pick out something fun!
I'm obsessed with their latest Lighthouse collection, and best of all, they're currently hosting a great summer sale, so you can get more cuteness for fewer pennies. Perfect. 

So, want to get your hands on these adorable pieces? 
Here's how 

Mandatory Entry:
Follow Teatime Thoughts

Extra Entries:
Visit Shabby Apple and leave a comment with your favorite piece
Tweet about the giveaway:
"@Candiceelaineh is giving away $50 to @shabbyapple! Enter here: www.candiceelaineh.com"

A winner will be chosen on Wednesday, August 1st. ::CLOSED

Good Luck!


Welcome Back

Hi Everyone!

(The truly incredible Leadership training Team I was a part of..love them!)

I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all of my amazing summer sponsors for hanging out here with you guys while I was away for the summer. Seriously, you ladies just rock. Anyways, I'm back from 5 weeks up north where I was working at an international leadership training camp for teens. It was an absolutely incredible experience, and I'm so blessed to have been a part of the fun and impact that we had on the kids who came from more than 15 different countries to participate. Hope you all enjoyed the "Endless Summer" series, and came away with some good ideas, inspiration and new friends. I'll be sharing a few memories from my time this summer, and you'll certainly want to stay tuned for some crazy amazing giveaways coming up both this week and in the weeks to come..August is going to be fabulous, I just know it! Hope you're having a great week!
It's so good to be back with you all again :)



Bucket Lists

Hey there, sweet friends! I'm B, from feeling bloggy
First off, I want to thank Candice for letting me sit-in for her over here! I'm so excited to be able to "meet" you all! I just love the things that technology and social media can do for you... meeting sweet new Christian women with similar interests to yourself, but also so many new things to share with you... clearly, meeting Candice through the "spring fling flip flop swap" was one of those wonderful occasions! My husband is in the Army, currently deployed, and we are able to skype sometimes TWICE a day... can you imagine what it must have been like 50-60 years ago when the internet was nonexistent and the postal service was slow, slow, slow? agony, I tell you, it must have been AGONY; however, there was also that romantic-old-fashioned-wait-for-you-forever feel to the relationships of that time that were just as sweet as this. (glass half-full, ladies!)

anyways! (sorry for the tangent ;) ) I wanted to share with you all a little bit about some summer plans I have... a sort of "bucket list, if you will! I love, love, love to make lists!

Though I know I won't be able to accomplish my whole list this summer, due to moving around while the huz is in Afghanistan, they are, nonetheless, on my list. I think for me, it will span over a couple summers; my list is long, so I will share some of my most anticipated cross-offs! 

how much fun is it, though, to cross things off a list! I love that feeling...

So, here it is, ladies (and gentleman? maybe?)

- plant a garden and cultivate it to bear fruit!

    this one will have to be once henry and i have our own place... or a little spot on the ground at     

   whatever apartment building we land until then! i want three gardens, actually... a flower garden, a 

   vegetable garden, and an herb garden! the hubs and i are huge fans of vegetables and fresh food! i 

   LOVE to cook!

go water skiing! 

- climb a mountain

- read through the entire new testament (and actually engage and learn from what I am reading!)

- stick with #shereadstruth, memorizing at least one verse per week!

   if you don't know about this already, you should definitely check it out! a great community of 

   believers reading God's Word together each day! and you can do it from your iPhone so you never 

   DON'T have it with you! so beneficial to LIFE.

- go to South Carolina

- travel down the west coast with my Henry!

- run two miles in 14 minutes (without stopping)

- pick flowers once a week

   I don't know about you, but picking flowers is one of the most joyous things for me. it brings me so 

   much joy and warmth to see the beauty of God's creation in nature, and flowers are one of my 

   favorite features!

- have a picnic, or two, or 20.

- have a yardsale!

   get rid of my "surplus" of clothing, furniture, and junk that I have accumulated over the past 6 

   years, to make room for simplicity in henry and I's life, and home!

there are MANY more things I would like to do over the next few summers, but I will leave you with that, and let you make your very own summer-must bucket-list! come on over to feeling bloggy and let me know what's on your bucket-list! I can't wait to hear!

See you later, sweet new friends! :) muah!
xoxo, B

Weekend Wanderings

Just some words to ponder for the weekend! Have a great one, be yourself, and have the courage to strive for your dreams!

Making the Most of Summer

Hi all! I'm Emily. I blog over at Oh Hello, Love and I'm so excited to be guest blogging today!

One of the best parts of Teatime Thoughts is the way Candice makes the most of her weekends. She sets aside time for herself, for her family and for her friends. And all while making sure to enjoy the sunshine!

Having grown up in New England and now living in Chicago, I always try to make the absolute most out of the short summers I have. When I moved here a few years ago, I was so thrilled to hear about all the outdoor festivals, movie showings and concerts that this city has to offer in the summer.

Each year in May, I make lists of summer-musts. Those wonderful events and experiences that make summer feel like summer. You know: eating outdoors, summer concerts, BBQs, baseball games, going for ice cream, walks along the lake, etc.

Unfortunately, summers in Chicago always pass much quicker than I ever expect. Life gets crazy busy and the next thing I know it's Labor Day and I haven't gotten through even half of the list.

So in hopes of squeezing in more summer, I decided to take our list of Summer-Musts one step further: I turned it into a Google Calendar. It was simple to create and even easier to share with friends! With their help researching and adding a few events, my friends and I quickly had a calendar full of summer-musts to choose from.

To make a Google Calendar, you need a google account. Then simply:

1) Sign into your google account and click on "Calendar" or just click here.

2) Create a new calendar by clicking on the little arrow next to "My Calendars" and then clicking on "Create new calendar".

3) Give your calendar a name.
4) Share the calendar with your friends by adding their e-mail addresses. You can then give them permission to make changes to events, to add events and to share with others under "Permission Settings." Once all your friends are entered, click "Create Calendar" at the top of the screen.
5) Once your calendar is set-up, all you need to do is add events. To do so, simply double click on the date you want to add an event to. Then enter in all the details. I like to provide a website in the description box so that if anyone has questions about the event, they can go to the original source. This cuts down on confusion. When you finish, be sure to hit save!
6) Keep adding events until your calendar is full of all the summer essentials.
7) Admire your calendar and get excited about your summer!!

The best part of this is that all your friends can contribute and as they input events, your calendar will automatically be updated! So as the summer goes on and you hear about more concerts, movies, BBQs and parties, just add them to the calendar to let everyone know. Lots of websites have integrated a one-click "Add to Google Calendar" option, making this even easier. It fills in all the information for you! For Chicagoans, check out Explore Chicago to find events in the city and to easily add them to your calendar.

I hope this helps you get organized, stay connected with friends and make the most out of Summer 2012!

Wordless Wednesday


From the Kitchen: Almond Butter

Hello again! We're back in the kitchen; this time we'll be making a new favorite of mine... almond butter!    
I'd seen it several times in the blog world, and I finally made it myself! Ohh is it delicious! {The whole family agrees with me too :) } So without further ado, Almond Butter!
Pour at least 2 cups of almonds into the food processor
 Blend and scrap down, blend and scrape down...
 Eventually the oils in the nuts will release which results in clumping of the soon to be butter. Yay!
 Add some honey and cinnamon for more delicious flavor
 Look how smooth the almonds finally became!
Blend it up again with the honey and cinnamon
 Pour into a container, add a homemade label (top picture) and enjoy your delicious creation
Simply Delightful... and we've been making almond butter ever since!

Almond Butter Recipe
-Food Processor
-At least 2 cups of almonds (the more the better... don't do less than 2 cups)
-Honey to taste
-Cinnamon to taste 

It took about 15-25 minutes with all the scraping and processing.

*Once you put the almonds in a blend them (on high), it will eventually get to a point where it is not blending anything anymore. At this point turn off the processor and scrape down the sides. You may need to do this several times. Eventually the almonds will clump and form a ball while the processor is running. Continue to let the processor run and blend the almonds until smooth. Remember to have patience...I promise it is worth it! When the almond butter has reached your desired consistency, add in honey and cinnamon. I just eyeballed it and then tasted it to make sure :). Please don't do this in your blender or it might not be functioning anymore! 



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