This Is the Sport of Kings

My weekend began on a Friday morning with a drive to the university I used to attend; I saw some friends there, had lunch, did some thrifting and spent some time with friends back home for the weekend. We crammed every moment we had together with fun, conversation and laughter. The weather was simply lovely; we couldn't have asked for anything better. 
 Here's a peek through the lens of what we were up to...

They say that Polo is the sport of kings...

Here's to fun-filled, relaxing and beautiful weekends!
Hope you enjoyed yours also.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined."
-Henry David Thoreau




Katie said...

I love the second photo, but they're basically all beautiful. :)

Devea said...

The pictures are beautiful!

Candice said...

Thank you :)

Shay said...

CUTE pictures! I have always wanted to go to a Polo match, that looks so fun!

Candice said...

Thanks! Shalyn, you'd love it!! It's so much fun!

jessica // union shore said...

so glad you had a great weekend!!
i'm jealous of the beautiful weather! we just got like 6 more inches of snow.... :(

Sarah said...

Your weekend looks fabulous! Love the photo of the beach and the one of you girls on the picnic mat! Beautiful and fun times. :)

Hope you're doing well, sweetie. x

Lindsey said...

Ahh, a polo match?! I want to go! Lol, and I'm glad you loved your postcard, cherie! We must skype soon <3 <3 <3

Natalie said...

So fun! You all remind me of Kate Middleton in these pictures.

Brittany. said...

Ahh, such a good weekend. :)

Betsey said...

such a lovely weekend! i love your big sun hats - so cute!

Norwegiantage said...

Polo?! I've always wanted to go to a match of polo. Is it fun? I'm new to your blog, it's supercute! Now following :)


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined."
-Henry David Thoreau


Norwegiantage said...

I'm from Norway actually!! Maybe you could write a guest blog post on your experience/travel there? :) Thank you for entering my giveaway :)

Candice said...

@Natalie Wow thank you! :)

@modern viking vixen You'd love Polo; it's such fun!! (especially when you pack a picnic like we did!) That's awesome! Norwegians are wonderful people :)

@Alycia Me too! I have a card with that on it sitting on my desk!

Anonymous said...

just came across your blog! It's great! what a great post girl :) xxo how fun!

Sophie said...

it looks like the perfect weekend! those cupcakes look so yummy, and that beach shot is beautiful. loving your blog!x

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Candice! These photos look like they belong in a magazine! You and your friends are stunning! And the polo match? JEALOUS! :)

Happy Thursday, girl!!

Veronica said...

Wonderful pics!
Follow me? I'll be very happy if you do it!
Thank you so much!

Candice said...

Thank you ladies!! :)

Hope you're all having a wonderful week/weekend!

Unknown said...

Wonderful pictures! So inspirational!
Have a great weekend!

Candice said...

Thanks Catanya! :)

Julia said...

you're so lucky! I wish it was sunny here too!!! I'm so tired of winter..
and yes, Rome was breath-taking, loved it!:) you must visit that city! btw, hope you've had a great sunday!:)

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