The Student

Sometimes the weather is really nice and cooperates with my plans for outdoor study so, I usually can spend a good amount of time enjoying the sunshine as well as getting my work done.

Today was my second of four, French cooking classes that I'm taking, so after coming back from lunch, (which was so delish!) I worked outside. It also turned into an outfit post. Double duty, zing! I'm kind of a novice on this whole fashion blog thing; please excuse the slight awkwardness...props to the dedicated fashion bloggers who do this all the time..whoa.
there were ants on the ground; laying here could have been problematic.

(Shirt: Burberry, Belt: Gianni Bini, Shorts: Z Co. Shoes: H&M, Glasses: F21, Necklace: gift, Earrings: thrifted, Coral ring: F21, Silver ring: Mountain Gift& Books)

Well I was working...and then I found the latest edition of InStyle among my books
 (how did that get there?)

On another note, I've been doing a lot of baking lately; my sister and I attempted french macarons one evening..oh boy. I'll save that story for later...those things have a mind of their own. 
Happy Thursday!




Sarah said...

You look so preppy and sweet! Gotta love how those glasses totally match your outfit. Looking good, C! And so I've heard about baking macarons! My friend tried once and it turned out badly, but it was bearable the second time. But those things taste so good! ;)

Have a lovely day, sweetie. x

Kate Weber said...

So cute! I'm loving your shoes! And I'm super jealous of your glasses. Everyone I see wearing them looks so cute. It makes me seriously want a pair.

Betsey said...

Ahh, love this Candice! Your outfit is so cute, and your glasses look adorable. Major props to you for trying out French Macarons, I've heard those are tough!

jessica // union shore said...

you look so darn cute!! i absolutely love this outfit!!

Devea said...

Really like your outfit, those oxfords are so cute! xo

I'm Sydney. said...

Oh it looks so lovely!! Glad you're enjoying the weather!

Taylor said...

cute outfit, and i love the shoes!

Jenni Austria Germany said...

you are so adorable. those glasses are really working out for you!

Rachel said...

French cooking classes? Oh oh oh I'm envious. I hope you'll share some of the recipes and techniques you learn.

Unknown said...

Cute outfit Candice! I love your oxfords and your glasses make you look very studious haha :D

Shay said...

LOVE THIS Love the outfit, love the glasses, love the hair- everything!

Mallory said...

you look so cute and studious! i think these photos are adorable :)



Candice said...

Thank you!! xoxo

Kelly said...

You look right out Kate Spade, lounging in the grass. So cute, dear!

STARZ* said...

Wow! I Looovvee your outfit! You did a great job putting it all together!:)

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