The Beauty In Spring

The past couple days for me have been so busy! I played hostess for two friends who came for the night, and even though I was a bit reluctant at first to open my room up, (because of a busy schedule the next day) I was really glad that I did. Serving others always makes me feel so good; it is so much fun to look for ways to bless other people around me. So the preview days were a success, and I think my friends enjoyed themselves.

On another note, I am going to get a big chunk of my work done, so hopefully I can enjoy this beautiful weekend because today is the First Day of Spring! It is time to bring out the cool lemonade and iced tea!

Springtime is quite possibly my favorite time of the year; the air is cool but warm enough to reintroduce floral skirts, dresses and cute shorts to the world! Flowers are blooming and the birds are singing their sweet melodies from the trees. I think God smiles upon springtime because in it's essence, it is the theme of redemption; new life coming forth and replacing the dead; it is beauty unveiled from what seemed broken, cold and lifeless.

Find some way today to celebrate the beauty that is evidenced in this season and also in yourself. Perhaps you'll wear a flower in your hair, put on a pretty necklace or skirt, sketch outside, go out to lunch with friends and just enjoy the beauty of life anew!

"See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come.." Song of Songs 2:11, 12

Blessings and Beauty,


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