My Best Friend is a Gingerbread Man

Well after reading that title, I'm sure you're, I've not eaten one too many candy canes. (Do people actually eat those?) I have some of the best friends that love to make my holiday celebrations so much fun, and this includes showing up at my door, with cookies and other yummy treats in hand, dressed like a gingerbread man. I love when my friend does this; it's become tradition, and I look forward to her arrival at my front door each year :)

I finally got to see the Narnia movie in 3D with my family, and I loved it! Just to clarify, it won't make you dizzy unless you are extremely sensitive to motion, and I mean really extremely crazy sensitive. I won't go into detail about how much I love the movie, since I sort of declared my love for it on a previous post :) If you have the choice between seeing it in 3D or regular, I'd go for the 3D because I felt like a lot of the animated characters, like Aslan and Reepicheep were so much more realistic and such with the 3D view. I could say more, but I think you should just experience it for yourself!! 

Back to the subject of amazing friends, I received the cutest pair of gloves from my wonderful friend MJ who has a charming blog called A Day in the Life. If you're not following her, you need to fix that immediately. I have worn these adorable gloves so much in the last couple of days, and received so many compliments; they are the warmest, coziest and most comfortable things to put on your hands.  You can find a pair for yourself in her Etsy Store: MJ's Closet. It's such fun to have lovely friends like her in the blog world; thank you again, dear! 

This week holds a Christmas party with friends, a visit to see the ballet, baking, wrapping, and a wonderful celebration of Christmas itself! (Can you believe it's here already?!) I hope in the busy time, that you get a moment to relax and enjoy, to take in the lovely moments that surround you. I'm wishing you the merriest of Christmases, wonderful time spent with family and friends, and whole lot of love! 

Luke 2:4-7
4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to himand was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.




vintch said...

you are totally in the christmas spirit girl, are it's such a lovely, beautiful sight! those gloves are stellar--such a pretty color too! you seriously DO have the best friends ever! one sends you sweet gloves and the other dresses up as edible treats? i LOVE it...and i love your beautiful blog!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Merry Merry Christmas to you, pretty girl! I love those cute gloves! :)

Shay said...

YAY! I am so glad you liked Narnia- I have not seen it yet, but I am so happy to hear it is good!And how do I get friends like yours who show up dressed as a gingerbread man? That girl is my hero. Love the gloves!

Anonymous said...

You are very pretty. Merry Christmas, dear, I love this post!

Unknown said...

Aw, :) I like your tradition with the gingerbread friend! :) Merry Christmas to you too, dear :) I loved Narnia as well!

Xailar said...

lovely blog i like this visit mine

Brittany. said...

You are oh so popular, Miss Candice. :)
As for eating candy canes... If you're not into that, try stirring one into a mug of hot chocolate! It's soooo good! :D

Can't wait for our girls weekend. (Goodness knows what you'll post about after that! haha)

Sarah said...

i enjoy eating mini candy canes! haha. i like sucking on them till they get all thin and just breaks off in the mouth.

your friend is so cute! i'd love to have a gingerbread man friend too, haha! that's such a cute photo of the two of you. :)

i'm getting all excited for christmas and your week sure does sound wonderful! i only managed to get a gift for the boyfriend last week, so tomorrow's gonna be a major shopping day for the others. hehe.

i love how your blog always reminds me about the little yet important things about Jesus. :) you've been such a blessing, candice.

much love. xx

Chelsea said...

Hope you have a fabulous week my friend!!

Alison Kinsey said...

those gloves look super warm and cozy. i love them!!
that is so funny that your friend dresses up like that every year to bring you cookies!! how clever!

Natalie said...

Sound look so pretty!

Merry Christmas!

Young People in Love said...

I love MJ's blog. I want ALLL her clothes, please. SUper cutie mittens, btw :) Just found your blog and you've def. got a new follower in me!

Julia said...

I couldn't agree more, candy canes are disgusting!:P And what a fun tradition you have there, I had never heard of something like it!
Ah, and check my blog cause you've been tagged: )

Jenni Austria Germany said...

i love those gloves!

Angela said...

Those gloves are cute as! Oh and I love your kitty in the sidebar... checkout my cute kitties on my blog. Maybe we could follow each other?
Ang xxx

Gracie said...

Your whole weeks sounds busy and festive! I do agree with watching the movie in 3D. We saw it in 3D by default. We had no choice :)

And dressed as a gingerbreadman??! That is precious!

Have a beautiful and wonderful Christmas! x

HaleyRyan said...

Glad you share my love for Kari Jobe! She is AMAZING! The song "Adore Him" is my favorite around Christmas! Love your blog! xo

Min said...

Thanks for the lovely comment! Good question about candy canes...Every year I think its a good idea to eat one, and every year, I give up half way through. I love the look of them but am not a huge fan of the eating part. Think I will try to leave mine as decorations this year! Have a lovely Christmas.

Taylor said...

Haha I think the tradition you and your friend have established is really funny and cute, she sounds like a gem. Merry Christmas :)

paislea said...

awe awe! i love MJ. and those gloves are so cute!! also - that tradition with your friend is so funny! that's super cute! i love it!

allister bee blog

Mikelle Jade said...

Oh gosh. How did I miss this post? I have been so bad at the blog lately. I love the picture of you in the gloves :) It makes me smile super big! I hope you have a very merry Christmas Candice! I'm hoping you'll show us how it goes!

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