He Is Not Here

Matthew 28:6
6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

Have a blessed Easter!




Kate Weber said...

Lovely choice of scripture! Happy Easter to you!

Simply Kate

Jenni Austria Germany said...

thanks for posting this. i like little reminders such as these :)

Anonymous said...

I am not religious, but you really do make me think with what you post. thank you for that, dear. the scriptures do say so very much. x

Unknown said...

I hope you had an awesome easter! I love that verse!
He is risen INDEED!
Oh! Be sure to check out my first giveaway on my blog! =)
You have a great rest of your weekend!

Sonia Ama said...


Mikelle Jade said...

Absolutely stunning photo.
"He is risen" :)

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Beautiful scripture and photo. :) Hope your Easter was wonderful, Candice!

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