Weekend Wanderings

This week has been a rather productive one. I can honestly say that I got a lot accomplished, and am ready to kick back a little and enjoy these next few days. Supposedly there are some showers headed this way for the weekend, so I thought it appropriate to break out the rain boots...perhaps I'll even find a puddle or two to splash through (that's the real fun in wearing them). Rain or shine, I plan to savor the time.
  Do you have something fun planned this weekend?



Anonymous said...

Love the navy/pink combo! One of my favorites. Have a good weekend!


Anonymous said...

Awesome post, where is the rss? I cant find it!

rachel andre said...

Candice, you look adorable as usual. Is that a J.Crew necklace?

Chelsea said...

Really cute rainy day outfit! Glad you had a productive week, enjoy this weekend :)

Chelsea said...

Really cute rainy day outfit! Glad you had a productive week, enjoy this weekend :)

Jess said...

Look at you and your bubble necklace :)

Enjoy your relaxing weekend...you totally deserve it!


Jenni Austria Germany said...

ooookay, could you be any cuter? no.

Unknown said...

I love your wellingtons--really need to get myself some as going walking when its muddy in my normal boots isn't the best for them ;)

Mere said...

This is adorable! Love it. It's going to rain here too this weekend, so I will have my rain boots & coat in tow! :) I'm going to a Fray concert! Can't wait! Have a great weekend!

Candice said...

Thanks,girl! Ooh enjoy that concert! Love the Fray! :)

Katie said...

you are too cute!! I LOVE this necklace too! and i think I need some rainboots! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

Rach said...

love this outfit! so cute and comfy! if the rain holds off a little, I'm hoping to plant some of my garden!

Janelle said...

I just can't get over this necklace! It's stunning!

Jacqlyn said...

i've had "rain boots" on my wish list for weeks now! love the color pairings in your outfit, so spring like! happy weekend :)

Erica said...

you are gorgeous. loving this outfit so much. where is that necklace from?!

Annie said...

This is the cutest rainy day outfit! Love the color combo - that necklace is SO pretty :)

The Other Side of Gray

Unknown said...

This is so cute and I love your wellies! Just found your blog via Cup of Tea Style and am following you now! :)


Unknown said...

cuuuuuute look! xoxo linds of http://www.rubygirlblog.com/

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