Easter With No-Regrets

Hello Hello!

My apologies for not posting in so long...I've been quite busy, but it's been the good kind of busy. Here's a snapshot of my Easter!

My dance group just performed at Disney this past weekend, and we had a wonderful time of fun at the "Happiest Place on Earth".

Easter was a beautiful celebration of Christ's resurrection, and the best part of it was being able to spend it with my family and my friend Brittany! We went to church (which was quite a powerful service) and then went to lunch at my favorite restaurant. The weather was so beautiful, so we ate outside and enjoyed a cup of gelato with a macaron (my favorite!!) from a french pastry shop. Later, we came back to the house and colored eggs and rode bikes. All in all, a wonderful time and a great reminder of the overwhelming glory and love of Christ!

Here's a bit of the things that I'm learning lately...

Living a No-Regrets Life:

Be Focused: Do you know why God made you? Phil 3:13; Luke 19:10
Be Connected: Are you connected to Christ? John 15:1-5; 17:21; 1:12
Be Committed: Are you committed to obeying God? Matt 26:37-39; Phil 1:1
Be Strategic: Have you got a plan of action? Matt 16:21-22; John 3:16-17; Prov 16:9; Prov 19:2
Be Calendared: Have you set any deadlines? Gal 4:4-5; Eph 5:15-17
Be Flexible: Are you willing to change directions should the Lord lead? Mark 5:25-30; Acts 16:6-10
Be Courageous: Are you willing to do what others won't? Josh 1:9; Acts 4:18-20
Be Perseverant: Are you committed for the long haul if necessary? 1 Cor 15:58
Be Confident: What kind of Attitude will you choose? Phil 1:6; Heb 11:6
Be Dependent: Will you live dependently or cooperatively? Its one thing to cooperate with God; its another to be dependent on Him. Phil 2:13; John 15:4-8

(notes taken from Dr. Michael Landry on "One Month To Live Series)

I hope you're all having a wonderful start to a great week, and that your Easter was a beautiful celebration of Christ's love for you.

Many Blessings and No-Regrets,


P.S. It's a lovely day; enjoy a glass of iced tea for me!


Brittany. said...


*Ashley* said...

dancing at disney...how cool is that? what kind of dance do you do?

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