Wednesday Abroad

I am currently writing from a lovely place in my travels..I wish you were here with me to see the beautiful sights and experience the things I'm getting to experience!

A few things I have recently fallen in love with:

1. This view

2.Brown goat cheese

3. This lovely place that you must hike down the mountain get to. Great journaling spot, I'd say!

There's so much more, but the sun is just setting over the mountains and the water is glowing golden, (Such a beautiful display of God's creation) so I shall bid you adieu for the night.

A closing remark from St. Augustine:
“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”

I have been taking a picture a day like I promised, as well as journaling my experiences, so perhaps one of these posts from my return in a bit will be the 'one a day' project! :)

Blessings and Lovely experiences,



Brittany. said...

Oh my gosh. Lovely.
I am glad you're having fun, my dear. :)

Candice said...

It is truly wonderful! I am loving every minute of it! :)

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