1 Year Giveaway

Well, as you know, it's been a year since I began blogging, and to celebrate, I'm going to giveaway some fun stuff to you!!

What's Included:

Pink Straw Tote
Floral Silk Scarf
"Baking: a celebration of the simple joys of baking" Cookbook
2 Ulta Lipglosses in Peach and Vanilla
Bourjois Contour Clubbing Waterproof Eyeliner in #44 Golden Grey Session
Vintage style blankpage journal
Bodycology hand & body lotion in Vanilla Cupcake

Awesome, right? Right.

So you're probably wondering how to get your hands on this fabulous stuff...

Leave a comment for each:

Be a follower of Teatime Thoughts  1 Entry

Follow me on Twitter 1 Entry

Follow Teatime Thoughts on BlogLovin' 2 Entries

Tell me what you love most about blogging 1 Entry

Blog about this giveaway and leave the link in a comment 3 Entries

The giveaway will end on Sunday, May 1st!! 
Good luck!




Unknown said...

Be a follower of Teatime Thoughts 1 Entry
- misskatv

Follow me on Twitter 1 Entry
- imisskatv

Follow Teatime Thoughts on BlogLovin' 2 Entries
- misskatv

Tell me what you love most about blogging 1 Entry
- meeting new friends :D


Katie said...

SUCH a cute giveaway! Love it Candice :)
(oh, and I'm a follower!)

Anonymous said...

ahh LOVE THIS!! of course i'm a follower of yours!

Susanne said...

I am a GFC follower and Id love to enter this giveaway:))

Katrine said...

This is so awesome - thanks for hosting the giveaway! I'd love to win :D

I'm following you via GFC :)


Katrine said...

I'm following you on twitter @thegentleflower


Katrine said...

Opps, here's my email in case I win:
thegentleflower (at) gmail.com

Unknown said...

Yay!!!! I love this.

And I am a follower....

Unknown said...

I also follow you on twitter. :)

Sarah said...

I'm following this blog, C! You're so generous. :) Gotta love these lovely things. Have a lovely day. x

Sarah said...

And I'm a follower on twitter too. Always been. ;) xo

Sarah said...

I guess what I love about blogging is that not only do I get an extra outlet to let out & share the things I do and go through, but I also get to meet amazing new writers around the globe! The blogging world is definitely an incredible space. x

Sarah said...

And I just tweeted about it, lovely. I don't know how to link it back, haha. :\ But just in case, you can trackback @sarahtym :) x

*Ashley* said...

i follow!

*Ashley* said...

i love how i can share my creative thoughts and ideas with others. and how i can also recieve great thoughts and ideas from others!

Katie said...

I follow with GFC. :)

Katie said...

I love the community with blogging. I have so many amazing friends, and I was privileged enough to meet -in real life- my penpal that I "met" through blogging.

Jenny Strickland said...

Great giveaway!

I follow you blog!

Jenny Strickland said...

What I love most about blogging? The blogging community! Everyone is so sweet! Makes my day to receive a sweet comment!

Jenny Strickland said...

I follow you on twitter! @sphjenny

ohyouprettythings said...

what a great giveaway!! :] I am a follower!! :]

Nikki said...

Cupcake lotion?! Sounds amazing, sign me up!

Ashley Lane Hamlin said...

I am DEFINITELY a follower!!

Ashley Lane Hamlin said...

...on Twitter too! :)

Ashley Lane Hamlin said...

I love blogging because it's like a journal, but one where you can talk to your friends. It's a great way to get things out, talk about what you love, and get feedback.

Katie said...

I love outlet that blogging provides. Just having a space to express is the best part!

Abi said...

Aww!! congrats on your one year!
I'm a friend on GFC :)

Abi said...

I'm following on bloglovin ;)

Abi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenni Austria Germany said...

i'm a GFC follower, of course!

Jenni Austria Germany said...

and what i love most about blogging....keeping in touch with friends/family from home!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog! Love it. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower! :)

Anonymous said...

One of the things I LOVE about blogging is the fantastic, like-minded yet unique gals I get to 'meet' via our blogs. :)

Unknown said...

how faaaannnntastic Candice!!! I love your blog!! I'm a follower - duhhh.

Val said...

i follow!

Val said...

I love blogging because it's a way for me to reach out and talk to complete strangers about completely random things. Also since most of my friends live across the country it's a way for us to keep in touch and know what's going on each others lives.

Val said...

I also just started following you on Bloglovin!
i must say I absolutely love reading your blog!

jessica // union shore said...

i'm a follower!! :-)

jessica // union shore said...

now following you on twitter!

jessica // union shore said...

i love meeting new friends... and having an outlet to express my creative thoughts and inspiration...

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter!

Unknown said...

What I love most about blogging, sharing my life with others!

Devea said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Devea said...

I follow you on twitter

Devea said...

I follow you on bloglovin now too!

Devea said...

what I love about blogging is meeting new people and seeing people with amazing talent. :) xo

Jocelyn said...

I'm a follower of this blog :)

Jocelyn said...

i follow you on twitter...i'm sweetvictory23 :)

Jocelyn said...

what i love about blogging is that you can get to know people in a way that is so in-depth and meaningful... without ever having met them in person.

Jennifer R said...

What i love about blogging- I get to share my thoughts and beliefs on certain issues while also hopefully encouraging to persue purity!

I also follow your blog!! :)

Heaven said...

Hi There! I'm a follower! :) One thing I love most about blogging is that you can write all you want and not have to worry about WHAT to write about. :)

Anonymous said...

i follow you on twitter too :) xo

Mere said...

I'm a follower of your blog! :)

Mere said...

And I just followed you on twitter! (meremere7890) I've been following your blog since last fall and although I don't get to read every blog I follow, every day, I always enjoy catching up on yours!

Mere said...

I just love that I can express myself through my blog. I also really like the fact that I have met people from all over the country!

Raven said...

I just found your blog and just became a follower, and not even because of this awesome giveaway, although it is pretty awesome.

Totally a follower because I like your bloggy blog :)

*D* said...

what a fabulous giveaway! and of course i'm already a follower :)

Unknown said...

What a fabulous giveaway! :) I just read your guest post on your friend's blog and I was so inspired by your Snow Queen role in the ballet. How far you've come just by believing :) Aw :)

Anyway! hehe
GFC: samebrightsky
Twitter: pink_lavenders
I follow you on BlogLovin!

What I love most about blogging is that it's practically an online diary of what you write and post. When you look back, you see how far you've come, either creatively or just writing.


Cat said...

One year of blogging...the time goes by so fast, heh?!?!? Congrats on the one year ani!

Following your sweet blog now :)

Thanks for the chance!

xx Cat brideblu

Msz Jelenaaa said...

I am a follower of your blog and bloglovin` :)

Tell me what you love most about blogging;
You get to meet new friends :)

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