Finding Your Beauty (Guest Post: Gennean from Loved, Not Lost)

Magazine covers are graced with seemingly perfect figures, media shows us what's "hot" and trendy. With this ever-changing definition of beauty, is it a wonder we feel as though it's never quite attainable? 
Gennean's blog is one of the most encouraging and insightful ones I've come across. Her heart for the Lord is just beautiful, and I'm sure you'll find yourself feeling encouraged after reading below!

"8 In every place of worship, I want men to pray with holy lands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy.  9 And I want women to be modest in their appearance.  They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves in the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes.  10 For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do."  1 Timothy 2:8-10 (NLT)

The latter part of this passage (verse 10) is one that I have intentionally hidden in my heart.  It's also decoratively written on a pink post-it note that is on the bulletin board I have hanging above my desk, so I get to look at it everyday.  It has been one that has greatly affected my lifestyle, especially as a young woman of God.  For the last year, I have devotedly been pursuing to become a more "godly woman".  I have fervently prayed prior to and during this time of growth, and the Lord has been faithful.  I have been challenged, stretched, and grown in ways I never thought I would.  He has been guiding me the whole way, and the above passage was one of the first that He used to convict me and speak into my heart.

The first part of this passage is clearly directed toward men, yet I find it encouraging.  A truly godly man is one who never ceases in his worship of and prayer to our mighty God!  And what about anger and controversy?  A godly man will not allow those things to interfere with his relationship with and worship of the Lord.  Rather, he will wholeheartedly seek after God and His will and purpose, which will not only positively affect his life, but will serve as a model to other men and women as well.

The rest of this passage contains an important instruction for women that I have personally taken to heart: to not be consumed by physical/outward appearance.  At the time that this passage was written, women were often guilty of flaunting their wealth through their outward appearance, which undoubtedly caused others to become distracted and possibly even envious, especially when at church.  I find it quite intriguing that these women seriously struggled with modesty and sought to look attractive in order that they might impress others.  Sound familiar?  It should.  It's a mirror image of the world that we live in today!  In a society that thrives off of physical appearances, expensive designer clothing, and the latest trends in dieting, these verses contradict all of what we're told is of "importance".   The truth of the matter is, however, that they world's standards are meaningless; they hold absolutely no value in eternity!

Rather, women are instructed to live their lives devoted to doing God's will and to pursue godliness.  The last verse tells us that if we are truly and wholeheartedly seeking to be godly women, we should make ourselves attractive by doing good things here in our earthly lives.  Much like in Titus 3:8, we must be aware that good deeds are necessary for those who are devoted to God.  It is also important to remember that, as it is mentioned in 2 Corinthians 4:16, our physical bodies are wasting away.  Our outward appearances are not going to be like this forever, for they are fleeting.  Therefore, we as women seeking after God's heart should not rely on wealth or our physical appearance to be attractive, but should adorn ourselves with good deeds and loving gestures, all in the name of Christ!  There is no more beautiful woman of God than one who selflessly gives of herself in order that He may be glorified.

So, allow me to encourage you in your walk with the Lord.  Continue to pursue His will and purpose for your life, and delight yourself in Him (Psalm 37:4)!  I pray that He will speak into your heart, that you may commit to becoming a more strong and faithful woman of God!

"For charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
Proverbs 31:30
Thank you so much for that beautifully true reminder, Gennean!
Check out her wonderful blog!


Mere said...

I LOVE this post, Geneean! Thanks so much for sharing from your heart and God's heart. It's really encouraging when I find other women out there living for Christ like I am, who are truly beautiful inside and out. And I love Proverbs 31:30...years ago when I first got saved, my grandpa told me to commit that verse to memory...I'm so thankful I did! :)

jennifer blair said...

I was definitely encouraged by this today!

a girl with a smile said...

thank you as always for bringing truth

Sonia said...

This is one of the many reasons why I treasure those moments when I have the opportunity to get away for an hour or two and just spend time worshipping the Lord.

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