Plum Perfect

(Top: Calliope, Pants: The Limited,  Fur Vest: Thrifted, Belt, Necklace & Shoes: F21, Purse: Target)

I absolutely love plum, and these pants were perfect for a Sunday afternoon ending a wonderful weekend spent with one of my best friends. We enjoyed a sunny lunch cruise around the harbor area, and ended up at a lovely park to catch the last glimpse of the sunset's was even cool enough outside to wear my fur vest. Perfection. 

Not a moment was wasted this weekend. Baking, parties, shopping, photos, decorating, and a whole lot of fun was on the schedule...time with good friends is the best; can't wait until Christmas next weekend!

Happy Monday!


Sarah Hartley said...

Those pants are fantastic! And I love your necklace.

nicole said...

LOVE LOVE those shoes!

Ashley Blunt said...

I love that purse!! Everything about the outfit is so cute :)

... said...

These are just wonderful! I WANT colored pants...I think I have said that a bajillion times!

modanista junkie said...

Perfection doll!!!


Shalyn said...

Love everything about this outfit! Maybe i'll try some colored pants post pregnancy because those are CUTE!

Anonymous said...

3rd image is my favorite!

Unknown said...

I love that purse and the necklace! so fun and sparkly!

Anonymous said...

siiiick shoes and purse pretty girl :) lovin' the pop of purple with those say that 5 times fast aha! xo

Michelle (michabella) said...

I LOVE this outfit <3

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