Weekend Wanderings

Is it just me or has this week gone by crazy fast?! Perhaps it's because I've been running around to prepare for a fun venture this weekend, as well as a Christmas party I'm hosting soon. Weekends during the holiday season are always such fun because they're usually brimming over with activities like baking, parties, shows, seeing friends, a drive about town to see homes adorned with sparkling lights and cozy evenings curled up with hot cocoa and a good book. Do you have a favorite holiday activity? They're all so lovely its almost impossible for me to pick a favorite! 

Have a delightful weekend! 


Kaleigh said...

what an ADORABLE scarf! I feel like this whole MONTH is going by fast! Next thing you know it'll be July ;)

Unknown said...

Loving the scarf! I found you when Erin was doing her giveaway; I was one of the sponsors who donated. Look forward to reading more of your stuff in the future. God bless.

Ashley Flores

Julia D. said...

Catching up on posts and reading this made me miss Christmas. In a good way.

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