I'm Currently..
Listening To: Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club (and the sounds of the neighbors pressure washing their patio area..)
Wearing: cream and pink lace top with navy high-waisted shorts
Thinking of: Summer!
Reading: Forgotten God by Francis Chan
Working On: Botany review questions
Enjoying: the sunshine and cool breeze
There's something about journals that makes them so appealing and easy to purchase (not so easy on the wallet). My room most likely holds about 6 (3 of those are probably blank) and I've got some old ones that are halfway filled with sketches, entries and randomness. I've been told that I need to stop purchasing them, but they are just so charming, and I've found that I use different ones for different purposes.
I really enjoy writing life's happenings down in my journal, and I had a couple of minutes the other day to look back through the pages to think through all the fun things I've done this year! In August, I purchased a new journal to record everything that happened during my year at school. Usually I find that I keep up my writing habit for a number of weeks, and then things get busy and the journal is hidden under a huge mound of papers...oops! After this happened a few times, I decided to really stick with it, and the result is a great treasure full of thoughts, prayers, the occasional grocery list, random event papers and mementos collected throughout the year.
My summer will be very busy, but full of so many great experiences as I'll be doing some traveling and working with kids for a large part of it! This called for a special travel/ summertime journal, so I grabbed one from my bookshelf, and it is going to be packed in my bag to be filled with experiences, quotes, souvenirs and thoughts along the way! If you're doing any fun things (even if you're just going to relax at home) this summer, I suggest investing in a journal. It's a great way to take those awesome ideas, inventions, stories, drawings and thoughts and put them in a place where you can later look back and remember! You can even find a plain one and personalize it or theme it to its purpose (like paint splatters for a sketch/quote journal or a tropical scene for summer!)
I was doing my quiet time and this thought hit me: the Bible, in a way, was God's journal of what happened while he was here on earth and is full of experiences, emotions, quotes and instructions. We can read about daily happenings, Jesus' emotions and the masterful plan that brought us all salvation! How cool! That's certainly an inspiration for me to keep writing because if those accounts were never finished, we would be missing out on a lot of important things! I'm glad God kept writing and didn't stop at the introduction of sin in Eden!
Have fun journaling, and be creative!
I loved the leather clutch purse one! That would be a great one for Israel...
By the way, I really liked the idea of the Bible being "God's journal". I've heard of it as a love letter, which is quite appealing, but a journal even more so! Insight to His own ideas, thoughts, emotions? And I have my own copy?? Yes please!
PS - Love the new site look. (and side bar!)
Yeah its got such a 'traveler's companion' type look going for it :)
yeah I know! reading someone's thoughts is cool, but reading our Creator's? Even cooler! haha
thank you! I think it needed a splash of color! :)
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