Defining Life, Faith & Tea (Guest Post: Miranda of Becoming Miranda)

I'm so happy to have another fantastic lady here to talk to you all today! Oh my goodness, Miranda is one of the sweetest bloggers around, and her joie de vivre is just oozing out of each adorable post she has on her blog (you'll want to check it out after reading this post!)! She's got some great things to share with you. Thanks for being here, Miranda! 
Hi there!  I am so thrilled to be here with all of you lovely ones today!  Candice has such a joyful, gorgeous space here, and I am honored to be a part of it. :)  When searching for an idea for this post, I was very much inspired by Candice’s statement in the header of Teatime Thoughts… Life. Faith. & Tea.  So here are some of my thoughts on each…

I want my life to be an adventure… don’t you?  I want to be the heroine of my story, following my dreams even when it seems impossible… with my trusty sidekick Darcy at my side, of course.  I wouldn’t mind a knight in shining armor coming along on his lovely white steed… but clearly, I would never need him to actually rescue me. :)

Sadly, I often forget what it means to be the heroine.  I forget that being the star of your story often means being tested and tried.  After all, what kind of adventure does not have risks or trials?

Other times, I forget that I am playing a part in a beautiful God-given adventure.  I don’t embrace the joys in life, but I do embrace the mundane.  I hear the self-doubt whispering stories in my ear, and I listen, discouragement entering my heart.

And when I find myself in the midst of obstacles such as these, I may forget that overcoming obstacles is a part of the adventurous journey.  The heroine must have obstacles in order to display courage, and the conflict is necessary to make the story exciting and worthwhile… and I so very much want my story to be worthwhile.

  I’m learning that the most beauty and joy and fullness of life are found once I reach the top of the mountain that was in my way.  The journey is no less difficult, but it is somehow more beautiful knowing that I was able to persevere.

Faith is a HUGE part of my adventure… the biggest part, to be honest.  I think it plays a large role in everyone’s unique story.  Where you place your faith determines how you grow, where you journey, and how you overcome the obstacles. 

For me, my faith is in Jesus, and He is truly the hero of my story.  He makes me who I am, He sees me over the mountains and through the dark parts of the journey, and He helps me see the joy, even in the most disheartening moments. 

The adventure wouldn’t be the same without Him at my side and in my heart, but I have to be careful because sometimes I shift my focus from Him.  I start seeing the mountain first and forget to focus on the One who can help me up the mountain.  Or, in the good times at the top of the mountain, I may focus on myself and how awesome I am…. And usually this is when I fall down the most.  When my faith is in my own abilities, I am almost always reminded in some way (typically involving a difficult lesson) that I am not God, but that God has gifted me.

The perspective shift can be life changing, and the faith focus is pivotal to the outcome of my adventure.

I love tea.  I mean, I REALLY love tea.  More specifically, I LOOOOOVE sweet tea.  Iced sweet tea, hot sweet tea….  this Mississippi girl loveloveloves tea, as long as it is sweet (which is sometimes an issue now that I live in Chicago…but that’s a story for another day).

When I think about sweet tea, I can’t help but think about the ones I love… the friendships that have blessed my life immeasurably. Sweet tea usually involves sharing laughter, love, smiles, and fun with the precious people who come alongside me on this adventure. They encourage me and love me, and when I am having a hard time overcoming the mountains, these beautiful people will help me carry the load that’s weighing me down.  They are such gifts from God, and sipping sweet tea alongside them is an added bonus. :)

Thank YOU for joining my adventure today! 

Blessings and peace,


Cassandra said...

The thoughts on life are so beautiful and full of truth. Sometimes it's hard being the heroine and going through the trials to get to the top of the mountain when I'd really like to just beam to the top. But the journey wouldn't be as sweet that way. Thank you for this reminder.

Craxyknas, mitt kristna liv - nu öppet för allmänheten said...

Wonderful post! Thank you so much for charing your thoughts with us :D

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