Be Thoughtful Thursday

"There is something undeniably beautiful in a handwritten letter. It’s personal, it touches something. "

Today's theme is all about doing something for others, perhaps it's not a big thing, but even the littlest of kind acts never go unnoticed. I don't know about you, but I love to get things in the mail, especially handwritten letters. In the world where texting and emails abound, it's fun to go back to the way things used to be, and write out a few lines to friends. I actually keep most of the letters and notes people send me in a heart shaped letter box in my room, and go through them from time to time when I'm needing some encouragement.

 Today I did a bit of letter writing to a few friends of mine, and it was so nice to see the words flowing from my pen scratching across the page, and to hear the thud of the mailbox door as I put them into the mail. Have you written any letters or notes recently? I encourage you to do so, as it is a wonderful surprise to find a little note in between the busyness of life. It will make someone's day just a little bit brighter.

Just a thought!



Unknown said...

i LOVE getting letters in the mail! so much more personalble than a text. i just started sponsoring a little girl in peru and have been checking my mailbox everyday for a letter from her. thanks for the great post :)

Dorothy A. said...

You're absolutely right! I love getting personalized letters in the mail. I'm definitely going to write some letters to me friends tonight. Thanks for the inspiration!

Shay said...

I love this, Candice! It may take a bit more time but it is so much more special to receive a handwritten note than a Facebook message!

Anonymous said...

so agree girl- i love writing hand written letters to people as opposed to always writing a 'quick email' it makes you realize the time and effort people put into to do the little things like that ;)

Jocelyn said...

I love snail mail! and I keep a box of handwritten cards/letters/notes to cheer me up also! love the quote at the beginning of your post.. :)

Cindy S. - FashionsBeauty said...

Oh back in the days! I use to write letters to my friends all the time, it was so fun! I can't seem to find them :( could be in my spider-invested shed though! :0 xoxo

Sarah said...

I'm a huge fan of written letters! They're so fun and romantic too. Not to forget the amount of excitement when opening one's postbox to see it sitting there with your name on it. Love love! Also, that's a very beautiful saying/quote about a handwritten letter.

Hope you've been well, Candice! I've been so busy lately. :\ But it's time to catch up again! Have a lovely weekend. :) xx

Annie said...

i love handwritten letters! i just got one from my pen pal in north carolina - can't wait to take the time to sit down and write her back. and i have another friend at basic training for the air force in texas, and the only way to contact her is through handwritten letters. i think handwritten notes are an art and a degree of thoughtfulness we mustn't lose.

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