Question & Answer

I always enjoy a good question and answer session. It's so fun to get a little insight on the person behind the blog. Amy from Blank Pages sent a few questions my way, so without further's a little interview with me!

1. What has been your favorite part of blogging?
I have really enjoyed getting to know the beautiful & wonderful people behind the blogs. It's so fun to get a little window into the lives of others, and I'm constantly inspired by all the fashion, design and fun lifestyle posts!

2. If you could pick one thing to spend your life savings on, what would it be?
Yikes. I don't know...definitely something that is worthwhile.

3. Hot or iced coffee?
Since it's been rather warm lately, I've been an iced coffee/tea girl!

4. What inspires you the most?
Traveling definitely refreshes my spirit; seeing the beauty that God has created is really inspiring.

5. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
I've always thought it would be fun to plan events or be a magazine editor

6. What would be one thing you would have told yourself when you were younger?
Enjoy and embrace the present moment because time passes so quickly.

7. What is an obsession of yours?
Dresses, shoes, and anything mint

8. Who should be the next Bachelor? (if your not obsessed like me, what is your nighttime entertainment?)
As of late, my nighttime entertainment has been writing that I'm finished with classes, I can actually have some free evenings to do fun stuff!

9. What is your favorite hobby? (besides blogging of course!)
Ballet; I've danced for over 12 years

10. What is your dream destination of living?
Anywhere in Europe or Greece..I would, in the future, like to take a year and live overseas.

11. Trade places with any person for a day. Who would it be and why
 Kate Middleton; don't you think it would be fun to be Duchess for a day? Hi, Prince William! ;)
 And can we talk about her wardrobe..? yes, please.   

Got any questions you'd like answered? Send them my way! And..feel free to copy these and answer them on your own blog too!


Jenni Austria Germany said...

#6 - yes yes yes.

Unknown said...

I hear you on the shoe and dress obsession. I'm moving to a new apartment with a walk-in closet, and my dad said to me, "maybe now you'll have enough room for all of those shoes!" haha! He still can't believe how I could POSSIBLY need more than two pairs of shoes. :) haha. And I would love to have Kate's wardrobe. So classy and elegant, and of course, I adore hats, so it's perfect. Happy Tuesday!

Chelsea said...

Posts like this are fun :)

That picture is lovely as well Candice!

Candice said...

Thanks, Chelsea! :)

AMY PALMER said...

Thanks for answering! A magazine editor would be so much fun and would never get boring!


Elizabeth said...

hello! I am a new follower and I LOVE your blog! You are so fun & sweet & cute & inspiring! Nice to meet you!

Janelle said...

Loving your blog! :)

Cindy S. - FashionsBeauty said...

Good interview! xoxo

Fashions Beauty

Taylor said...

i'd like to live abroad too! nice fun post! xo

Amanda Marshall said...

I love #6 & 10 the most!! That was fun to read (:

Unknown said...

Wish I could tell my thirteen year old self #6.

And Kate Middleton's wardrobe--yes please!

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