(Shirt: Loft, Pants: Lilly Pulitzer, Coat: Vero Moda, Shoes: Charlotte Russe, Belt: Thrifted, Ring: Gift, Earrings: Target)
Ever since I saw the gorgeous glitter ankle booties from Miu Miu's collection, I was in love. Knowing I'm not going to drop a pretty penny to get the originals, I saw these, and knew I had to have them. Besides, this pale pink happens to be a favorite of mine, and (write this one down)
glitter makes everything better
fact. of. life.
Also, these pants just might become part of my outfit everyday...comfort has finally met style.
Do you dare to wear glitter?
Happy Monday!
holy cow! Those shoes are so much fun! :) Glitter is daring but so worth it!
Dang, those Miu Miu cost you an eye and ear!
glitter is so fun to wear :)
loooving your hair and lipstick! you're so gorgeous :)
I love this outfit and this blog! I'm so glad I stumbled upon it! Consider me your newest follower!
OMG. I cannot believe you found your heels at C.R! They seriously look identical to the miu miu! GREAT BUY!
Oh wow! I love the color combo - pink and silver glitter! Lovely! It's pretty much like your blog's theme! Haha. I can see why you can't take your eyes of such a pretty pair of booties! x
SHOES!! Charlotte Russe?? no way! Im going!!
Love the shoes!! They remind me of what mermaids would wear if they had feet. :)
<3 Frock Stock
Those shoes are so awesome! Wish I could pull something off like that.
Ooh I love your belt and those shoes! I love that color pink as well. Gorgeous outfit! I want boots like that. Daring, but so cute. I love glitter :)
i love what you post. You have incredible ideas for fashion and good tate!
wow those are so fabulous! you rock those heels! :)
Love it! You look so stunning w/the heels!
oh my goodness Candice you are AMAZING, you totally rock these!! I hope they aren't too hard to walk in! ah! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
I'm not sure if I myself would get away with wearing those heels, but they are FABULOUS! I love them :)
ummm are you adorable or what?! love your glitter shoes!!
wish my hair had your volume.
the shoes are fab!! great find!
You look GORGEOUS lady! Loving the whole outfit!
SUPER.CUTE.SHOES! I loooove them!
welllll those shoes are pretty much the cutest ever! and so are you!
I really thought these were Miu Miu at first glance. Amazing! You look gorgeous.
I totally thought those shoes were Miu Miu and was so jealous! What a find... Looks like you know where i'm going today! You styled this outfit so beautifully & feminine. I love it!
Loving your blog! You now have a new follower! Number 300. WOOO!
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