Sea Breeze

A quick escape to a nearby island was just what we needed to end our holiday weekend on a high note. The wind was so strong, it nearly knocked you over just standing, watching the big waves crashing on the shoreline. We found a quick bite at a tiny wood-paneled restaurant, just a few steps from the water, and rode bikes to a small bakery and coffee shop to cozy up with a chai tea, after wandering through the shops and boutiques lining the street. The mini-getaway was a perfect way to start the week off right! It's time to begin a new semester once again..

P.S. My url has officially changed to so make sure you update any links you may have! :) New year, new domain! yay!


Elisha said...


Ashley Blunt said...

I love that you all have the same nail color! Looks like a fun trip :)

Candice said...

We all fell in love with that coral color!

Yes, It was so much fun! :)

Leah said...

What beautiful pictures! I love your outfit!

Nicole Marie said...

i can practically smell the ocean air! love your white pants btw!

By Sara Romero said...

Your family is so cute, you are like the perfect mix of both of your parents. I love your Southern Charm kind of style.


Frock Stock said...

Aw looks lovely! I'm very jealous of the warmth... can't wait to go home to Cali in two weeks.

<3 Frock Stock

Frock Stock said...

Aw looks lovely! I'm very jealous of the warmth... can't wait to go home to Cali in two weeks.

<3 Frock Stock

Jenni Austria Germany said...

i want that meal!!! looks sooo yummers.

Frock Stock said...

Candice I sent you an e-mail. <3

Unknown said...

Super cute outfits! I'm jealous of that warm looking weather... it's freezing in the NE. brrrr

♥B said...

You are so beautiful! Seriously, stunning! Your whole family is good looking, too.

I love how you tied the top up in the front for a little unexpected detail! Very chic.

xo, a fellow fashion blogger

♥ B
With Love From, Michigan

Unknown said...

You are so pretty and I love the seaside pictures! The wind makes everything look so whimsical :)

Stella said...

Loving your blog <3

... said...

Aw what a fun outfit to wear for a wonderful relaxing day at the beach! :) Love your hair!

Amanda Marshall said...


jessica // union shore said...

What a fun trip and cute outfit!! And that food is making me hungry! :)

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