
(Dress: F21, Shoes: BCBG, Clutch: Liz Claiborne, Earrings: Macy's, Bangles: Dillards, F21, Lauren Elizabeth, gift)

What inspires you? For me, it's about fun colors, great designs, a piece of music, a perfectly written line in a story, the way the sunlight filters through the trees, laughter shared with friends, the first bite of a delicious meal I made, or a divine dessert. Look for those things in your life to gain inspiration from; it is the wellspring of creativity, and causes you to look for the positive, the things that make you think 'all is well with the world'. There's so much of a cultural focus on what's going wrong. So look for what's beautiful, what's going right. I promise that when you look for those things, you'll find it. 

Happy Monday!


Sarah said...

Lovely post, Candice!

Oh it's been a long while, hasn't it? Hope you've been well. :) Lovin' your yellow dress and you look amazing as usual! You're right, we should always look for the beautiful.

Have a lovely day ahead, sweets! xx

Neris / Fashion Fractions said...

that yellow dress is beyond adorable :)


Fashion Fractions

Maria Larsen said...

I so wish I could rock yellow! It just ends up making me look sickly!

Kristy said...

LOVE the dress!! Happy Monday to you!!!

Andrea said...

Very cute outfit!! And LOVE the arm candy!

Anonymous said...

I'm inspired by sunshine...a new recipe...new jewelry...kindness.

Great post. :) Your clutch is very cute.

Unknown said...

Oh my word I love thy dress. I love yellow and white together! It is true that colors and such can inspire. I know o get a lot of creative inspiration from seeing certain color combinations and all that. Have a good Monday!

Unknown said...
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Taylor said...

you picked the perfect backdrop to showcase your cute, cute dress! :)anticipation

... said...

What a perfect yellow dress :) You look just darling Candice :)

Erin James said...

okay you are officially my style icon! :) i love your way of putting outfits together.

yes you are so right -what a good reminder to focus on the good and beautiful in our lives :) we really can find it if we do!

Anonymous said...

love love love the dress hun! maybe i should try and do some of these for my blog- not sure if i can pull it off like you do though :)

Jane {In The Pink & Green} said...

I love this dress, it's so cheery and chic! It's pretty cold where I live (Lake Tahoe) right now, so I don't think I'll be wearing anything like this for awhile, but I'm definitely daydreaming about spring!

Also, I just stumbled across your blog and I really like your whole concept/design...and I'm your newest follower! :)

Unknown said...

Just came across your blog and this is absolutely adorable! Love your style!! New follower!!!


Anonymous said...

bahaha, I laugh because I was going to buy this dress. Oh lolly lol

And you're always pretty, but you know that already.

please tell me we're meeting up soon....kaybye!

Devea said...

ooh love the colors!

Annie said...

I love that dress! You find the cutest clothes. Whenever I manage to get down by you, we are definitely going to need to go shopping!

nicole said...

cheerful! love the color combo

Cindy S. - FashionsBeauty said...

Oooh, so summery, I'm dreaming of brights! Love this xoxo


Kendra said...

That dress is absolutely fab!

Catherine Fishback said...

Great outfit, you blonde bombshell! Where do you live that you can dress so warmly? Even in Southern California, it's been a bit chilly.


Steph M said...

Candice - you have a lovely sense of colour (and style!) and how to combine them, and then which backgrounds to take you pictures against - beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration!

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