Shabby Apple Summer Giveaway

Summer is a perfect time to find a few breezy pieces for your wardrobe, as well a new frock for packing along on vacation. If you're like me, you'll be thrilled to hear that Shabby Apple is generously giving away a $50 credit to one lucky Teatime Thoughts reader, so you can pick out something fun!
I'm obsessed with their latest Lighthouse collection, and best of all, they're currently hosting a great summer sale, so you can get more cuteness for fewer pennies. Perfect. 

So, want to get your hands on these adorable pieces? 
Here's how 

Mandatory Entry:
Follow Teatime Thoughts

Extra Entries:
Visit Shabby Apple and leave a comment with your favorite piece
Tweet about the giveaway:
"@Candiceelaineh is giving away $50 to @shabbyapple! Enter here:"

A winner will be chosen on Wednesday, August 1st. ::CLOSED

Good Luck!


Amanda English said...

I've done both!

Amanda English said...

Following SA on Twitter

Amanda English said...

Following you on Bloglovin'

Penniless Socialite said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB and I follow you on GFC.
Penniless Socialite

Penniless Socialite said...

I follow you on Twitter.

Penniless Socialite

Penniless Socialite said...

I have been drooling over the El Capitan dress for awhile now.

Penniless Socialite

Naomi Chokr said...

how cool!!! ok i followed and liked shabby apple on FB and twitter. I follow you on twitter and FB of course and I dont have blog lovin so thats fine but i do subscribe to you via my google reader!

i will contact you next month by the way.... want to feature you on my blog and a blog in Sarasota.

Keep in touch!!!

Raquel said...

I follow your blog :)

Raquel said...

I love the race point skirt!

Raquel said...

I follow shabby apple on twitter!

Kaity said...

Liked Shabby Apple on Facebook and following you!

Kaity said...

following Shabby Apple on Twitter!

Kaity said...

following you on Bloglovin!

nicole said...

ya! love this giveaway! like SA on fb :)

nicole said...

i am coveting that elizabeth islands maxi dress. i would LIVE in that!

nicole said...

i follow you on twitter :)

nicole said...

i follow SA on twitter!

nicole said...

i follow you on bloglovin' too!

B said...

I am a follower here :)

B said...

I "Like" Shabby Apple on FB

B said...

I've been eyeing that Francine skirt and many of their sweet vintage bathing suits for MONTHS!!

B said...

I follow you on Twitter :)

Elizabeth {Ms Classic Glamour} said...

I've liked shabby apple on fb and Im following you!!

Elizabeth {Ms Classic Glamour} said...

I love the whole Mad Hatter collection they have right now. The purple lace dress is to die for!

Gloria {Lia} said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB!

Gloria {Lia} said...

I follow Teatime Thoughts!

Gloria {Lia} said...

I follow Shabby Apple on Twitter!

Amanda Marshall said...

I like them and follow you!


Bubba and Dani Workman said...

I follow Shabby Apple on Facebook!

Bubba and Dani Workman said...

I follow Teatime thoughts!

Bubba and Dani Workman said...

I follow you on twitter!

Bubba and Dani Workman said...

I follow Shabby Apple on Twitter!

Julia said...

Cup of Tea has "liked" Shabby Apple on FB and I am already a follower of Teatime Thoughts on GFC!

I've always admired Shabby Apple's style and cause but never felt like I could afford it... I hope I win so I can check out what all the fuss is about!! :D

Cup of Tea

Blytheponytailparades said...

Liked and following!


Blytheponytailparades said...

I would love to get the!


Blytheponytailparades said...

Following you on twitter!

Blytheponytailparades said...

Following shabby apple on twitter.

Blytheponytailparades said...

Following on bloglovin!

Taylor said...

done both! thanks for this giveaway!

Taylor said...

follow you on twitter!

Taylor said...

follow shabby apple on twitter!

Chelsea said...

I follow your blog!

Chelsea said...

My favorite is the flying crow jacket from their fitness collection!

Chelsea said...

i follow you on twitter

Chelsea said...

i follow shabby apple on twitter

Chelsea said...

i follow you on bloglovin

Chelsea said...

I tweeted this giveaway!

Mary Beth said...

I follow Teatime Thoughts.

Mary Beth said...

I really like the Blue Eyes dress.

Unknown said...

Like" Shabby Apple on Facebook
Follow Teatime Thoughts

Unknown said...

love the alice dress

Unknown said...

I follow you on bloglovin :)

M'ris said...

i like SA on FB and follow you via GFC.

M'ris said...

love the I'm Late I'm Late dress.

M'ris said...

I follow SA on twitter (@stiricide)

M'ris said...

i follow you on BL.

Melissa Palmer said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB, and I'm following your blog via GFC as Melissa Palmer.
mjp_0419 at yahoo dot com

Melissa Palmer said...

Favorite item is the Bon Voyage dress!
mjp_0419 at yahoo dot com

Melissa Palmer said...

Following you on Twitter @MrsPalmer2008

mjp_0419 at yahoo dot com

Melissa Palmer said...

Following Shabby Apple on Twitter @MrsPalmer2008
mjp_0419 at yahoo dot com

Melissa Palmer said...

Following on Bloglovin
mjp_0419 at yahoo dot com

Melissa Palmer said...


mjp_0419 at yahoo dot com

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

Like Shabby Apple on Facebook as Sonya Morris.
Following via GFC as sonyamorris.

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

Following Shabby Apple on Twitter as catholicfanatic.

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

Unknown said...

facebook fan of shabby apple. amy bolda pugmire
I follow your blog

Unknown said...

I love the bernini dress.

Unknown said...

I follow shabby apple on twitter. 1amypugmire.

Unknown said...


Gina M (crave to save) said...

"Like" Shabby Apple on Facebook -- crave to save
Follow Teatime Thoughts -- gina

Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Gina M (crave to save) said...

I love the beauty mark dress! HTTP://WWW.SHABBYAPPLE.COM/P-248-BEAUTY-MARK.ASPX
Thanks for the chance to win!

gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Gina M (crave to save) said...

I follow them on twitter @CrazyItalian0
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Gina M (crave to save) said...

I follow you on bloglovin

gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Gina M (crave to save) said...


gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Aubs said...

And I like shabby apple on Facebook!

Aubs said...

i LOVE the overboard dress!

Aubs said...

I follow you on twitter! (buster)

Aubs said...

I follow shabby apple on twitter! (busterae)

Rachel Travis said...

I like shabby apple on fb

rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com

Rachel Travis said...

I follow you via gfc

rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com

Rachel Travis said...

I loove their toe the line dress!

rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com

Ashley said...

I'm a follower.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Ashley said...

I like them on facebook.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Ashley said...

Follow shabby apple on twitter.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Ashley said...

I like the Alice dress.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

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