I've been thinking a lot about change lately. As my life dynamics and rhythms begin to shift from student to other opportunities, it's almost inevitable to encounter change. A wise person once told me that we are either changing for the better, or we are changing for the worse, and when we're through changing, we're through. It's at this point where I begin to re-evaluate my life goals, seek God's direction for my life, and begin to put in place some habits that will take me in the direction that will lead me to the fulfillment of my life purpose.
Most people never really know what they are put on planet Earth to do. How unfulfilled and empty one must feel to come to the end of life and still not know why you were born at such a time. If the objective is to find one's purpose, a reason for being, then two thoughts should be considered: How can my life be lived to the fullest, to make a difference in the world around me? Am I going to do whatever it takes to make my life count, even if it means stepping outside of my comfort zone?
It's been said that everything you want is outside your comfort zone, and getting there requires change. I don't fear or dread change; I only accept that it is there, and use it as a vehicle to getting where I want to go.
Is there something in your life you need to change?
This is such an important post for all of us to ponder. Thank you for reminding us to take time out to evaluate our lives. Sometimes we are so busy that we take our eyes off the real meaning of our lives. You always have a great way of expressing your ideas.
It is interesting to see what people think their purpose in life is.
When I was young a friend of mine said her dad had told her her purpose in life was to tell people what to do.
Obviously she was ill-informed.
I believe our purpose is to glorify God. But, there is so much that goes into that.
I'm really excited to hear about what you're planning to do now that you're not a student anymore!
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